Communication & DH Resources
In general, if you have a question or problem with the site or production process you can reach out via Slack to one of the RC assistant/technical editors. If the site managers can’t immediately resolve the issue, or if they deem that it needs to be taken to a section or general editor, they will contact the appropriate editor/admin on your behalf.
The following links will aid you in your self-directed learning process. As you start to navigate your way through RC’s infrastructure and to learn the many skills needed to manage the site (described in detail the following Production Documentation section), you’re going to be consulting various resources on the web to figure stuff out. Usually doing a web search for an issue (often in the form of a specific error message) will get you answers. But sometimes it seems like there’s no bottom to what’s happening in the Digital Humanities, much less the wider programming community. Here are some resources that have proved useful to others who have come before you.
Coding / web resources
- Drupal home
- Drupal First-time User Guide
- Drupal Module project
- Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) site, with guidelines
- Acquia Cloud Platform
- Acquia Product Documentation / Tutorials (see esp. “Cloud Platform,” “Dev Desktop,” “Resources,” and “Support”)
- — guides and tutorials for learning and practicing the various coding languages you’ll encounter working with RC: HTML, CSS, XML, XSLT, PHP, etc.
- HackerRank — web development and coding modules, practice problems, certifications
- Oxygen XML tutorial
- StackOverflow — online community of coders and problem solvers; if you have an issue, Google the error message and you’ll likely find a solution here
- freeCodeCamp — online coding community with resources, tutorials, and help
- TEIGarage TEI conversion — converts common text formats to XML
- GitHub
- RC’s GitHub Repos
Copyediting, proofing, and digital publishing resources:
- MLA Formatting and Style Guide @ Purdue OWL
- The Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS) Online
- Access through your CU or UMD library online account
- “How to Hire & Work with an Academic Copyeditor” by Wendy Laura Belcher — an excellent and informative article that serves as an introduction to copyediting and discusses its professional dimensions (i.e., future applications) as well.
- Info on Galley Proofs and the author’s role in proofing before publication
More Digital Humanities initiatives and resources:
- National Endowment for the Humanities, Office of Digital Humanities
- Digital Humanities Now
- Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI)
- DH Commons (mostly collects academic/conference opportunities)
- HASTAC (Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Alliance)
- Text Encoding Initiative (TEI)
- ArcGIS /OpenStreetMap (GIS mapping)
- List of DH GIS projects by Anterotesis
- StoryMapJS (map-based storytelling, frame by frame)
- TimelineJS (plug-&-play timeline builder)
- RAWGraphs (data visualization from CSV files)
- Twine (tool for interactive, nonlinear storytelling that can get as complex as you want it to)
- p5.js (JavaScript library for creative coding / research-creation)
- Omeka (digital collections/exhibit web publishing platform)
- Voyant (visualize patterns in a corpus of text)
- DH Tools list by MIT (more advanced resources, text/data mining, etc.)